Some news, developments and tools

It has been a long time since you received a mailing from Pray4belgium, but that does not mean that we had fallen asleep or stopped working: we had an internal reorganisation. Prayer and intercession remain important and crucial. Pray4belgium especially wants to promote and publicise national prayer initiatives, and network with all existing initiatives in our country. God has a plan with Belgium, and wants to bless, but He also wants to see people who stand up and cry out to Him for His grace and salvation.

The website of Pray4belgium has recently been updated: Go and have a look at our website! There you can find out what we do (or have done), but also find materials and tools to pray for Belgium: useful for your personal prayer life, and certainly also in prayer groups. For example, there is a brochure “The spiritual climate of Belgium: why and how to pray?” (30 pages), with 23 chapters explaining our country and 30 concrete prayer topics. Click for more explanations. Or a shorter text for your prayer time: a list of ‘spearheads’ in prayer, the key topics for our country.

There is also other good news: a prayer chain was already started in 2009 on the Flemish side, but in 2020 it has been completely reorganised and recently all its texts have been translated into French and English. This means that you can all join in the prayer for one of the seven ‘mountains’ (spheres of influence or sectors) of our country: (1) politics, government, justice, (2) economy and finance, (3) education and science, (4) culture and media/ entertainment, sports, (5) social and medical sector, (6) family, marriage and children, or (7) church and religion(s). So, when Paul calls us to pray for those in high places (1 Tim. 2:2), it applies to each of these areas. Do you join us?

How does it work? Each person chooses one mountain (or several), and is sent only those prayer topics for which he/she signs up, ± 4 to 8 times a year. Aim to set aside ± one hour per week for this (but any shorter time is also welcome!). Try to choose a fixed time per week. The prayer topics are sent by email, and also by WhatsApp. The full explanation, also about the seven mountains, can be read on the website.

Please register at (Gerda) and let us know for which area(s) you would like to receive prayer information. So that our country may be covered with prayer day and night!

Furthermore, Mahabba organises an annual conference on November 27 (10-16h) in Anderlecht. The goal is to learn how we can be a more fruitful witness to our Muslim neighbours, a.o. by praying for them together. Highly recommended! For all info, click on their website.

If you know of other national prayer initiatives or prayer days, please let us know and we will be happy to announce them. We want to unite all our prayer forces to see this country transformed for the Kingdom of our God.

We wish you God’s richest blessings!
Ignace Demaerel, Brussels