How does the prayer chain work?
We probably don’t need to explain to you that prayer is (vitally) important. And yet it has come under a lot of pressure in our hectic society, and too often drops down our list of priorities. This is why Pray4belgium (Gebedsnetwerk) started a prayer chain in 2009, with the aim of mobilizing prayer for specific needs and issues in our country. In 2020 we have made a complete new start with this prayer chain, both in terms of content and method, and we do it in three languages. The purpose is to give the greatest number of Christians the chance to stand in the gap on behalf of our country. By participating, you will become a link in a long chain of faithful intercessors, and so you can be a blessing for Belgium.
Would you like to participate? We need you! God needs you! Belgium needs you!
“And will not God do justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night, and will He delay in their regard?” Luke 18.7
How does it work? Not everyone has the same passion to pray for the same areas. God often gives some people a prayer burden for a specific area. This is why we want to start from the concept of the seven mountains (or the “seven gates”) of society, which are the seven important spheres of influence.
(1) politics, government, justice
(2) economy and finance
(3) education and science
(4) culture and media / recreation, sport
(5) medico-social sector
(6) family, marriage and home, children
(7) church and religion(s)
(If you click on these links, you can read a text with a general explanation of this ‘mountain’ and a list of general prayer topics).
We want to set up the prayer chain in such a way that intercessors receive only those topics that they have on their heart and for which they sign up.
When Paul calls us to pray for people of high rank (1 Tim 2:2), it is equally true for each of these areas – both decision-makers and policies.
How to put this into practice in concrete terms:
- If you want to commit to this, sign up with our coordinator, and let us know which of the seven mountains you want to take on (of course you can also take on several).
- You will receive a number of current prayer topics 4 to 8 times a year. This can of course be more or less often depending on the need.
- We would like to ask you to set aside ± one hour per week for this, but to be clear on this, if you can only pray for 30 minutes (or 15…), then this is much better than nothing. You can be flexible about which day or hour you do it, but we strongly recommend that you set a fixed time for this in your diary.
- The prayer topics will be sent out by email, and (if you want) via WhatsApp too (hoping we find enough translators).
Register at 247gebed_gerda@telenet.be (Gerda). Let us know which area(s) you would like to receive prayer information about, and give us your mobile number (for WhatsApp, if you want to receive it that way too).
You can download the short version of this call and info (1 x A4) here. You can read the general explanation of the vision of the seven mountains here. You can read the explanation about each specific mountain and (general) prayer topics above (via the 7 links).
May our prayers to Almighty God be multiplied and never ceasing, and may we already reap the fruits of them ourselves!